Friday, July 2, 2010

unschooling myself -- body, mind and soul

Some time ago, Ronnie Maier posted a blog titled body love, body unschooling and more recently Tara Wagner blogged in the same vein, on the topic of body compassion. Since reading Ronnie's post, I've given a lot of thought to how to go about unschooling myself as radically as our kids unschool - body, mind and soul - because for me those three are too connected for me to unschool only my body. The epiphanies coming to me as I explore this idea are too many for one blog post, so there may be several. I wanted to post some today, tho.

If I truly unschool myself, body mind and soul, what will it look like? I will .....

delight in my interests, preferences and choices, just as I do for my kids,
give myself permission to change how I express myself, what I do, what I love,
explore who I really am, since it's clear to me that somehow along the way I lost, or hid, a lot of who I am,
stop demanding that I multi-task to *get more done*,
be patient with myself,
appreciate my body for all it has done and continues to do for me,
forgive my body its imperfections,
embrace and love my quirks just as I love my kids in all their quirkiness,
allow myself to feel what I feel in each moment,
allow myself time to rejoice or grieve or learn or explore my fears or try new things,
forgive myself for the moments when I feel like I've not done the best I wanted to do,
play more,
laugh more,
not rush to judgment,


Tara W. said...

Love that so many of us are moving towards the same thing. :)

Ronnie said...

Made me cry. I'm so glad to be part of a community that encourages me and everybody to treat ourselves with kindness. Thanks for sharing!