I just love today's note from the Universe!
Sylvia, it's supposed to be easy. Everything is supposed to be easy.
Everything is easy. You live in a dream world. You're surrounded by illusions.
And the illusions change when you change your thinking!
Tell yourself it's easy. Tell yourself often. Make it a mantra. Eat, sleep,
and breathe it. And your life shall be transformed.
It's supposed to be easy,
It just spoke to me so deeply. All our lives, our culture tells us "no one ever said it would be easy" and "nothing worth having comes easy" and "life is supposed to be hard".
In my heart of hearts, I've always thought, "why can't it be easy?" or more honestly, "why does it have to be so hard?" What I've found it that those voices telling me it's not supposed to be easy are the voices from outside me, squashing my own intuitions. I also find that it's hard because I'm getting in my own way, and I'm getting in my own way is because I'm listening to those outside voices.
I don't mean this to say there won't be effort involved or steps to be taken in order to reach our goals or become who we want to be, who we are meant to be, but that when we listen to our own inner voice and are authentic, whatever work must be done won't be onerous. The steps required may be mundane or inane, or simply routinely what must be done next to get from here to there, but they need not feel like insanely hard work.
This idea that all goodness must be earned leads to a feeling of inherent unworthiness, which in turn leads us to ask others for confirmation of our worth; to show us our path, instead of finding that path within ourselves, which allows us to reclaim our worth. Because we are inherenly worthy. And when you're worthy of joy and wonder, why would it be hard to have those things?
It's been a loud and distracting walk the past few days; troublesome and maddening at times, but throughout it all, what needs to be done next has been very clear to me and each step taken brings me closer to my center.
And I love pondering the idea that maybe they're all wrong and it is supposed to be easy.